Senior Citizen Sex Problem

Senior Citizen Sex Problem

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Using sex pills to maintain hard erection

If you’re a man then you have definitely felt the pressure of performing as one in the bed. There is the (unrealistic) image of each men being a powerhouse in bed with women. If you find that you’re not having great sex regularly, then you may begin to think that you’re somehow less of a man. While this is not the case and it’s a toxic way to think about things – there is a quick fix for all your troubles in bed.

Have you ever considered getting an hard erection sex pill? Chances are that you know people that have used it and that you have seen advertisements and marketing placements about it. But what is a male sexual enhancement pill? It’s a pill that if you drink it you will experience an improvement in the size of your erection, its firmness, and its longevity.

There are many ingredients that are used in the creation of a sex pill. Our suggestion is that you use only natural, plant-based erection pills. These are shown to have the best possible effects with the least possible side-effects. The ingredients that are typically used for these pills are pomegranate extract, Avena staiva, l-carnitine, omega-3, beta-sitosterol, vitamin B6, green tea extract, Eurycoma longifolia, and many others.

These ingredients work in different ways. They may work in isolation or synergistically with some other ingredients to create a whole that’s bigger than the sum of the parts. Mostly, they will work on relaxing the blood vessels so that your organ will get engorged with blood a lot easier. Also, they will work on the production of nitric oxide which has been shown to be of tremendous importance when it comes to getting and maintain a hard erection.

That being said, nothing is perfect and neither are the male sexual enhancement pills. Some people may find out that these people don’t work for them. This case, the sexual issues that prevent you from getting an erection may be psychological, not physical. In such a case, we suggest that you go and see a doctor. He or she will be able to give you sound advice on what your next move should be if you experience problems with getting and maintaining an erection.

And there are also people that will experience side-effects. Painful erections and premature ejaculations are not uncommon among erection pills users. If you find that the side-effects are a lot bigger than the benefits that you will get for using these pills – then you should consider discontinuing the use of these pills. In any case, again, you should go and see a medical specialist for an advice.

All in all, the erection pills can prove to be the boost that you need when it comes to improving your sex life. If you think that they will help you out – then there is no harm done in trying them out for a few times. See if you like their use and continue or discontinue using them based on their merits for you.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Diets That Mess with your Sex Life

You must have heard the statement, “You are what you eat”. This simply tells us that what we pass through our mouth whether solid or liquid goes a long way to make us. This is because food plays a lot of roles in our body such as giving us energy, building up the body and fighting diseases.  It also helps in ensuring steady blood flow and balancing our hormones. But the reverse is the case when we eat the wrong type of food. It causes a whole lot of havoc in the body including low sexual stamina, blood flow and of course, poor sex life. Let’s have a look at what type of diet helps in destroying your sex life.

Junk Food
It is no secrets that this type of food contains a large amount of unhealthy fat which can harm your hormones by lowering your testosterone level and you know this is what fuels your sex drive. So you might want to be careful with those type of good that gets you weight up rapidly. It also clogs the arteries which is responsible for a smooth blood flow. This can lead to an erectile dysfunction as the blood which was meant to flow into the penis has been clogged. Also, foods such as sugary cereals or white bread increases your blood sugar rapidly and when your body tries to keep up by producing insulin, the whole process makes you tired which would indirectly have an effect on your sexual life.
Eating fruits, food that contains balanced diet or cereals that contain fiber such as oats, and exercising daily is the best way to counter this negative outcome.

Vegan Food
Despite the advantage of going vegan, entirely cutting out your body’s supply of vitamin D in form of protein could spell a lot of danger for your penis. A lack of vitamin D is enough reason for erectile dysfunction to take up residence in your sex life. This is because, your body in unable to produce enough nitric oxide which helps your blood vessels carry out its full function.
At this stage, we know we can’t advise you to keep you to stop being a vegan, but taking dietary supplements of vitamin d and getting enough sun can help mitigate the risk. Also eating things like cheese, eggs, and salmon can help.

Big Portions of Food
According to Dr. Brahmbhatt, Piling too much food on your plate is capable of slowing things down in bed. When you over eat, you become too tired and lazy to accomplish anything including having sex. Rather, than mounting a big portion of food to eat all at once, you can cut it down into smaller portions.

Heavy Alcohol
This is another sex life destroyer with a more glaring effect. Alcohol consumers are less likely to perform well in bed than someone who has nothing to do with alcohol. Why? This is because alcohol raises your estrogen levels which can cause low male libido and stop you from maintain a hard erection. Try putting a stop to drinking totally or, limit it to two bottles per day.